Margarita Gluzberg
(The Consumystic)
The first time I entered an airport
I was ten. Sheremetyevo,
Moscow, 1979. We were emigrating
to the West. Leaving
meant never coming back – it
was on a par with going into
outer space – an airplane to
the Moon. It is almost impossible
to describe what entering
that airport represented.
I remember a large queue,
relatives, suitcases, swift
processing in an institutional
hall devoid of any colour. No
other airport has ever had the
same sensational effect on
me. Its power was sustaining
when I returned to it in the
early 90s during a stopover on
my way to Tokyo. I understood
then why the Soviet block
was referred to by Westerners
as ‘grey’. It simply lacked
advertising – advertising that
colours the whole of the Western
Transmission (The Consumystic)
is a stills sequence,
originally shot on 35mm blackand-
white slide film. Using
the method of double- and
triple- exposure, the work
adopts the analogue photographic techniques of the
Surrealists, and of early Soviet
montage. The procession of
shop interiors, make-up counters
and window displays, weaves a mesh of commercial signs and spaces: the black gleaming lacquer of Chanel counters, intertwined with the grid of department-store escalators.
The camera becomes an interface between the
consumer-voyeur and the constantly changing, spectacular
display of commodities. The
images seem to echo an age
when consumer fictions were
being invented for the first
time, now brought back to the
present, a present where such
fictions are becoming increasingly
unsustainable. They
allude to a former glamour
associated with air travel –
before budget airlines, full of
duty-free promise, glowing
through a haze of complimentary
on-board spirits. This is
the dream of Western Capitalism,
being dreamed by a girl
growing up in the Soviet Union
in the 1970s, re-enacted in
The soundtrack is taken from
an LP devised by a Soviet
sanatorium in the 1970s,
Melodies for a Peaceful Sleep.
The hypnotic voice instructs
the subject to enter a dreamlike
state – before waking up
to fulfil the necessary duties of
a functioning citizen.